Your contribution to Doors Open Minneapolis is what makes this event possible. Support this city-wide free event here!
Why Sponsor Doors Open Minneapolis?
Doors Open Minneapolis 2025 by Rethos, is an annual signature event happening May 17 + 18. Attendees will enjoy free behind-the-scenes access to unique buildings and venues in the City of Minnepolis that are architecturally, culturally, or socially significant. In 2024, Doors Open Minneapolis was host to over 16,000 participants, who made almost 61,000 visits to over 100 unique venues.
Doors Open Minneapolis is free for the public to attend, and free for venues to participate in. This event helps connect residents and tourists with the Minneapolis community, while bringing visibility and foot traffic to Minneapolis businesses and organizations. Our sponsors care deeply about the health and wellbeing of this amazing city and are proud to support this free citywide offering. We rely on community and corporate support to help organize the event. All contributions are made to a 501c3 organization, and as such, are tax-deductible.
Learn more about Doors Open Minneapolis Sponsorship Levels here.